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Mar 30, 2023

After a HEATED discussion, we agreed that we would first go to Redcliffe and Arl Eamon. So much happens that to summarize it all would be a podcast in itself so here are the highlights: Alistair’s father was King Maric, a mysterious evil plagues the village from the castle, Arl Eamon’s son, Connor, is a mage and...

Mar 16, 2023

Next stop, Lothering! When we leave Flemeth’s hut with 10% of a plan, we’re fairly certain it’s two inexperienced Grey Wardens and a grumpy witch against the blight, but with one stop we double our party with a good boy, a formerly cloistered sister of the chantry, and a Qunari murderer. All the makings of a...

Mar 2, 2023

Now that we’ve met the king and Duncan has more or less left us to our own devices, it’s time to explore Ostagar and get up to some shenanigans. We meet some other recruits as well as the newest Warden, Alistair. We journey to the Wilds, meet some witches, attend a war meeting, get voluntold to handle lighting a...