Jun 20, 2024
With Aveline in our party our next stop is to visit Sundermount to clear up that ambush. Once all of the well equipped bandits are dead, it’s a job well done! Right? Apparently not in Captain Jeven’s eyes–instead he accuses Aveline of showboating and threatens to throw both Aveline and Hawke in jail if they...
Jun 9, 2022
It’s time to go find the Turian Ark! Avitus Rix has numbers flashing in his head, a beacon to where he thinks Ark Natanus wound up and where he’ll finally find Macen. We walk with Avitus through the wreckage, reading terminal logs and rerouting power until they finally get to the SAM node. Unfortunately, there is no...
May 13, 2021
The other half of Normandy FM, Eric Van Allen, joins us to discuss the tragic events on Thessia! We discuss yet another hated mounted gun segment, Liara’s attitude toward Prothean influence over Asari history, and Kai Leng’s cheating ways. Fandom Corner features more footwear, this time from MileHighHeel on Etsy....
Sep 17, 2020
Internet darling Nelson Lugo has A LOT of opinions about the Omega DLC. Does he have criticisms? Yes. Is he going to play it again? Also yes because he loves Mass Effect and no one can stop him. Join us as we break down Aria’s quest for revenge.
Sep 20, 2018
This is the second episode of Reignite where Matt and MJ take a 10-year old video game way too seriously. In this episode, Matt and MJ go through the prologue and compare their experiences and start to figure out where this project is going. Special thanks to David Boyle for our amazing logo and to Dan Bull for the song...